Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

THURSDAY, AUGUST 14. 1930 WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS Phone 4391 Want Ad Headquarters ASSAILS MOODY'S WORK Panhandle Cities Hear Ferguson (Continued From Page One) over Governor Moody's veto, pointing out that Moody is one of the chief supporter's of his wife's opponent, Ross S. Sterling. A "restoration of business mantem and a firm stand a a a against agement" in the penitentiary penile tentiary relocation were promised by Ferguson if his wife should be elected. He said the prison system did not lose "a dime" while his wife was governor and declared escapes during her administration were not as many as during three weeks of Moody's tenure.

"Moody put a civil engineer in charge of the prison farms; no wonder the prison system lost said. He declared the way to prevent escapes and make convicts work was to pardon those who made good records. He charged Moody acted like brute" in refusing clemency in deserving cases, "My wife made a few mistakes in pardoning convicts," Ferguson said. "All of us make mistakes, but all of the pardons were given in good faith." He charged that severion persons attacking his wife's record were busy seeking to obtain paroles for their friends and clients while Mrs. Ferguson was governor.

Ferguson defended the highway record of the Ferguson administration. He told his audience his wife was for old age pensions and an elective highway commission. He said the highway commission spends more money and has more business than any other department of the government. "I am for bringing the government a closer to the people," he said. Again he denounced the highway bond issue, asserting the plan called for all highways to be of concrete and said the "cement trust" would make $5,000 to $7,000 a mile on the roads.

N'Orleans Faces Martial Law (Continued From Page One) there were 42 gambling casinos operating openly within a radius four square blocks in the heart of the downtown business section. "I not contemplate putting the militia in action tonight," he told the United Press, "but I most certainly will declare the city under martial law if New Orleans authorities and city police do not close there said down he at would once." hold the militiamen in reserve police and parish officials presented proof that gambling had been halted. Governor Long said he had not vet warned city authorities of his action, but said his statement, released to the press, would serve to bring their official notice to the matter. Racing Attacked The controversy over gambling in New Orleans started Tuesday when District Attorney Eugene Stanley, in an appeal to New Orleans bustness men, demanded that action be taken to close the fair grounds, winter racing resort, and Jefferson park, a track in Jefferson parish. Stanley said free and open gambling, at race tracks and gambling casinos, as it now exists here, was sapping the economic life of the city.

Following Stanley's statement. Attorney General Percy Saint last night ordered all gambling places in St. Bernardo and Jefferson parishes closed. More than twoscore resorts closed. Saint threatened to bring impeachment proceedings against law enforcement officers of the two parishes if they continued to allow the casinos to operate.

Leader Perez, district attorney of St. Bernardo parish, in an open statement defied Saint to show cause why, "or how." he could inute the proceedings. Following a conference with DOlitical leaders of the two parishes, which are considered Long's strongholds, he issued the order for the national guard to stand in readiness, and a statement to. the press to the effect that "Saint was trving to shield his friends, the in New Orleans." ECONOMY THE LARGEST SELLING ASPIRIN IN THE WORLD FOR pure ASPIRIN PURE AS MONEY CAN BUY 12 36 100 TABLETS TABLETS TABLETS 25c 60c St. Joseph's Pure ASPIRIN REDUCTION on All Want Ads appearing in The Times and Record News by bringing your ad to the office and paying cash.

Do your Want Ad buying on the "cash and carry" plan. Phone 4391 for rates and information, Want Ad. Department Oklahoma Demo Lines Hold As Defeated Candidates Pledge Support and Bill' Form Alliance While Primary Opponents Forget Campaign Wounds OKLAHOMA CITY, Aug. 13. of Oklahoma had formed the team Democracy's colors in the November primary opponents, both wealthy oil of a bitter campaign to join them.

TEXAS CROPS IN POOR SHAPE Federal Report Reveals Farm Conditions AUSTIN, Aug. 13. (P)-Cotton and corn were urgent need of rain on Aug. 1, with the indicated production of those crops still above last year's production, the monthly crop report of Carl H. Robinson, senior statistician for United States department of agriculture here said today.

Cotton was at a critical stage the report said. general rain followed favorable weather conditions could improve the crop while continuation of the dry weather over the northern half of the state could easily couse deterioration. Corn reports varied from good in portions of the south and southeast, to near failure in the severe drouth areas of the west and east. Most of the corn was ripe but late corn needed rain urgently. 4,496,000 Bale Crop Indicated production of cotton was 4,496,000 bales compared with 3,940,000 bales a year ago, equivalent to 61 per cent of normal.

Corn production was estimated at 64 per cent of normal or a crop of 000 bushels and an averaged yield of 18 bushels per acre as compared with 86,127,000 bushels last year. Grain sorghum was estimated at 59 per cent of normal, with the total production 46.368,000 bushels, practically the same as last year. Prospects were poorest in the important northwest counties, and the crop would benefit from a soaking rain. Rice was reported as 82 per cent of normal and the estimated production 8.200,000 bushels as compared with 7,524,000 bushels last year. Tame hay, deteriorating in the last month, was 65 per cent of normal, far below the five-year average.

Production was set at 000 tons, this indicated yield being the lowest since 1918, with the exception of 1925. A year ago 744,000 tons were produced. The alfalfa condition was estimated at 68 per cent of normal and seed production was expected be short. Other Crops Rain was needed for the broom corn crop in the northwest, but the indicated yield of 1,320 tons was slightly above last year when 1,200 tons were produced. Western peanut acreage was in need of rain, and the condition was the lowest in 15 years, again excepting 1925.

Indicated production of sweet potatoes was 6,780,000 bushels, against 7,384,000 last year. The condition of pecans was much better normal, was still too early to forecast accurately, the final production the Due to the cold winter, citrus fruits showed poor condition and there was no increase in bearing acreage, but to. freezing of small trees. Quality was expected to be good. The commercial peach crop this year was a near failure.

With have moved, whereas 569 carloads ments about over, only, 21 went out last year and 278 carloads the yea: before. Pears promise about 50 per cent of a normal crop of 325,000 bushels, against 455,000 last year. Apple and grape production promises to be smaller than a year ago. TEXAS GUARDS POTATOES AUSTIN (AP) -With the Irish potato industry growing rapidly in Texas, producers are concentrated on plans to keep potato plant diseases and pests out of the state. Producers are considering advisability of a quarantine against importation of uncertified seed.

Taxes collected on malt sold in Louisiana yields $150,000 annually for the public school fund. R. L. BOBBITT DENIES CHARGE Attorney General Offers To Resign Post (Continued from page one) pany attorneys took an active part in the trial at the direction of the court after they had been denied the right to intervene, District Judge George Calhoun having held that as adjoining lease holders their interests were identical with those of the state. "I have tried," Bobbitt's statement said, "to conduct my campaign in the same manner that I have tried to conduct my office.

have not tried to take unfair ad- de vantage of opponent. Since he has made mention of this circular in his speeches, and since a special press agent was employed to write and circulate the articles (concerning the original trial) in various papers, reflecting on my character and the character of Neff, chairman of the state railroad commission, I insist that we call upon the president of the Texas Bar association to appoint a committee of three to investigate these charges. "If the committee is of the opinion that my assistant did anything wong or unethical in that case, or failed to do his full duty, I will tender my resignation. If it reports otherwise, then I call upon my opponent to denounce as a lie this circular that he has waved before the people of Texas, and to apologize to me and to the people of Texas." ALLRED CHIDES a HIS OPPONENT ORANGE, Tex.8, Aug. 13.

(A)- James V. Allred of Wichita Falls, candidate for attorney general. panned his opponent, R. L. Bobbitt of Laredo, incumbent, in a speech today because he did not carry Hill county, where he was born and reared, in the first primary.

"In his opening speech at Hillsboro my opponent said if the rest of the state voted like 'old Hill county' he would be entirely satisfied with the result." Allred said. "If every county in Texas had voted like his home county, I would have led him by over 62,000 votes instead of the 30,000 that I bested him. He is the only state candidate that I ever heard as far back I can look who couldn't even carry as his own home county. "As for myself, I am humbly grateful to my home county which gave me five to one against my opponent." Fort Sill Recommended For Permanent School WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.

(UP)Secretary of War Hurley was advised today to select Fort Sill, as the permanent site for the field artillery school now located at that point, in a recommendation submitted by the board of officers named to consider the matter. Secretary hurlev has not yet announced his decision. Negroes Injured In Henrietta Road Crash Pink Murphy and Joe Rivers, negroes, were slightly injured in an automobile crash on the Henrietta Wednesday night. They were taken to the Wichita General hospital for treatment, DEATHS FELIX THOMAS The body of Felix Thomas, who died in a local hospital Tuesdav. was forwarded by the Hines mortuary Wednesday to Gonzales, Texas, where funeral services will be held Thursday.

CHILLS? FEVER? Malaria, chills and fever respond quickly to LAX- A (double strength). Marked improvement in 3 days. Costs less per dose; does more per dose. At all drug stores. LAX-ANA (DOUBLE STRENGTH) are spending their vacation In Colorado.

Flit is sold only in this yellow Don't Cuss! can black with band. the Here's the sure, quick, easy way to kill all mosquitoes indoors and keep 'em away outdoors! FLIT Kills Spray Mosquitoes clean smelling Bed Roaches Ants stain its stainless PAT. QUICKER largest The Selling World's Insect Killer 1930 Stanco Ina MEN'S SPORT SHOES MEN'S FANCY HOSE MEN'S PAJAMAS -Nice quality broadcloth, an exSTRAW HATS white. -Black. $6 values or $4.55 Very -Well 1 special made at and serviceable.

29c ceptional value. Special Men's Separate at $1.55 -Choice of TROUSERS one big lot of soft $5, $6 and $7 values straw LINEN, and PALM BEACH -Gaberdine, tropical worsted -Those NUROTEX Summer weight trousers, in light or dark colors. All sizes, Cool summer suits are going out. We refuse to carry over a single nowAll Other one for next season. STRAW HATS Choice of the $395 -Soft straws, sailors See if You Can Find Your and Panamas.

SWIM SUITS Short 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sizes 11 to 6 Half Price Size 34 36 37 Boys' Calfskin Dress (O Slim Regular 2 121 4 1 1 1 3 1 $5 and OXFORDS $6 values -Men's, women's and Extra Trousers at calfskin and black patSpecial $2.50 ent, Scotch grain brogues. children's Catalina and Choice of the lot--Bradley. Half Price Cool, Smart Tropical Worsteds $2,95 -The practical suit for sweltering hot days and in-between-seasons. You'll doubly enjoy one of these suits at our final August Clearance prices. High Grade NECKWEAR 1 Lot Values $29.50 $35.00 Tropical $23.35 Men's Flannel Fine hand made ties, Choice Tan, brown.

navy, patch $2.50, $3 and $4 values smart -Nicely gray tailored and tan and patterns, trimmed in $1450 $50.00 Tropical Tropical $28.00 $38.65 SPORT COATS $42.00 light or dark $70.00 Tropical $46.65 of the house- pockets, belted back. $15 Values 39 Cine THE I HUB 3 for above suits $2.50. Sol Lasty Dres Most, trousers. Some with $4 vests. Extra trousers for CLOTHIERS all above suits $10 Wichita Falls' Finest Store for Men and Boys for Over 13 Years Primaries Jolt For Republicans (Continued From Page One) Bulkley in Ohio.

Both are strong vote-getters. Bulkley furnished the greatest surprise of the primaries by winning a substantial victory on his platform of dry law repeal. In the general election, he will face Senator Roscoe T. McCulloch, a dry Republican who appointed to office, and whose statewide strength is an unknown quantity. The overwhelming renomination in Arkansas of Senator Joe T.

Robinson, the Democratic leader, was virtually a foregone conclusion. He will be re-elected for sixyear term without opposition." The nomination of John T. Bankhead in Alabama, who defeated Frederick I. Thompson for the Democratic nomination means that he will face Senator Tom Heflin in the November election. The latter must run as an Independent, having been ruled off the primary ballot for bolting Al Smith in 1928.

Bankhead is an able lawyer but his conservative policies will make him a good target for Heflin to shoot at. especially his record on Muscle Shoals. Heflin will seek to show that his opponent was tied up with the power interests trying plantab off the government's huge The Norris victory was particularly significant because the old guard had been gunning for him since he bolted President Hoover to support Al Smith in 1928. Likewise he had the opposition of the power trust, which smarted under his success in keeping Muscle Shoals out of their hands for the past 10 years. Charles W.

Bryan, brother of the late William Jennings Bryan. staged a political comeback by capturing the Democratic gubernatorial. Police Probe Sudden Death of Beaumont Man BEAUMONT, Texas, Aug. 13. (UP)-Officials tonight were investigating the death of W.

H. Moody, insurance man, who died here today, after being brought to the emergency hospital last night, seriously ill. A. F. Davis, who brought Moody to the hospital, was held for questioning last night but was released todav.

An autopsy was performed on Moody but no official verdict had been returned tonight. Police Chief E. Kennedy said physicians had informed him that Moody died of alcoholism. He said he did not expect any charges would be filed. Moody was released from jail last week on a liquor charge, the police chief said.

Moody had been here four He formerly lived in New Orleans. Palestine in Arms Over 'Booze' Epithet PALESTINE, Texas, Aug. 13. (UP)-A storm of protest was brewing here tonight over the publication in Outlook, an independent magazine of a long article which branded Palestine wetter than before prohibition and states that only negroes and small-fry bootleggers are being prosecuted. The article is entitled "Booze in Texas." It deals intimately with local conditions and was written by Edouard Angly, Paris, France press correspondent and son of J.

E. Angly, president of the East Texas National bank here. The writer was reared in Palestine. Strawberries kept from runners last year showed A 33 per cent stronger yield this year, according to the Oregon agricultural service. Take No Chances With Ugly Boils To kill infection, draw out poison and heal up sores, ulcers, boils, carbuncles or any kind of skin abrasion, apply Gray's Ointment.

This powerful antiseptic salve relieves all pain, clears up Inflammation and heals magic. Best for over 110 years. Used personally by President Andrew Jackson. Guaranteed. 25c a package at drug stores, or from W.

F. Gray Nashville, -Adv. LIQUOR AND STILL SEIZED Whisky Plant Captured On Iowa Park Road One man was arrested, a new 50 gallon still was seized, and 64 gallons of whisky confiscated in a sheriff's department raid on a house off Iowa Park road seven miles from Wichita Falls late Wednesday afternoon. The still and liquor were stored in a small barn-like structure back of the house. The whisky was held in six 10-gallon kegs and five gallon jar.

The owner of the property and his wife offered, no resistance when the party arrived. Charges will be filed against the man Thursday, Sheriff W. G. Bralley announced. He was accompanied on the raid by deputies George Garrett, Charlie Gant, and Dick Morris.

BEER SEIZED IN RAID BY SHERIFF'S REPUTIES Two arrests were made and six dozen bottles of beer were seized in a sheriff's department raid on a Grace street home Wednesday afternoon. The beer was found concealed in the yard of the home. Mrs. Alice Ashley and R. C.

Perkins made bond of $500 and $750 respectively after a preliminary hearing before United States Commissioner M. E. Peters. The raid was conducted by Charlie Gant and Dick Morris, deputy sheriffs. FIRST MASTER FARM COUPLE RALEIGH, N.

of Mrs. B. N. Sykes of Harrellsville as a master home-maker of North Carolina has given the state its first "master farm family." Electra Electra Mr. and Mra.

E. D. Kelly are visiting In Glenrose this week. Four of Mr. Kelly's sisters who live at Abilene plan to join them at Glenrose.

Graham Buck Friday Staleup and transacted Saturday of business week. In Mrs. Bill Latham has been 111 at her home on North Electra street for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs.

D. Troy, Craver have returned to their home In Electra after spending a week on a lease near here. Mrs. Earl Hecklin of Cordell, has been visiting her mother. Mrs.

J. Kent who has been ill for the past three weeks. She is reported to be slightly improved. Mrs. Freeman Miller left Saturday for Oklahoma City where she will visit a brother who is 111.

Mrs. Roy Mankins is attending the bed. side of her grandmother at Bowle this weeK. Mrs. Buck Staleup and son.

Billy Jack. Mrs. Bill Covington and daughter, Billy Jean visited Mrs. Stalcup's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

N. F. Strickland, at Iowa Park Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Garrison announce the arrival of son, Richard, Saturday.

Harrold Sally of Burkburnett was an Electra visitor Tuesday. Ross Sterling of Houston, candidate for governor, was an Electra visitor Tuesday, N. F. Strickland of Iowa Park was an Electra visitor Tuesday. Mrs.

Jack Mosely, former resident of Electra, and now a student at Technological college, has been 111 from ptomaine poison. She is reported to be greatly improved. Johnnie LeBus, who has been working in the Panhandle district, is the guest of his parents this week. Mr. and Mrs.

A. C. Rippy and daughter, Hazel. and Miss Marguerite Hughes, SAD PART OF IT Stills Beside 'Old Mill Stream' Disabled By Drouth WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.

(US) made many sections of the country dry in more ways than one, it was revealed at the prohibition bureau here today. It has halted the ancient art of moonshining down by the old mill stream. Manufacturers of illicit liquor are dependent upon a cool and flowing branch to chill the copper coils of the still which produces corn or rye. With streams dry there has been a curtailed production and soaring prices. Guinn Williams To Tour Samoa Special to The Record News WASHINGTON, Aug.

Guinn Williams of Texas is among the four members of senate and house chosen to make an inspection of the Samoan islands for the purpose of recommending legislation for the government of these dependencies. The delegation from congress, which to consist of Senator Hiram Bingham, Senator Joe T. Robinson of Arkansas and Representatives Carroll L. Bedy of Maine and Williams of Texas, will have with it two of the leading tribal chieftains of Samoa. The delegation is to stop at Honolulu.

Last year, congress ratified the cession of the islands to the United States and by resolution approved by President Coolidge Feb. 20, 1929, authorized a commission to visit the islands. The commission will draw up an organic act, which will form the basic law of the islands and will include a bill of rights. The islands have been governed under local laws which are based on the customs of the people, laws of the United States and on the common law of England. Dallas Bathing Revue Winners Announced DALLAS.

Aug. 13. (A) -Winners in the bathing revue at the Southwestern Style show here last night were announced today as follows: Catherine Miller, Miss Houston; Louise Kiser, Miss Brownwood: Babe Brooks, Miss Kingsville; and Sidney Mae Lockhart, Edinburg, Miss Magic Valley. These will compete winners of other performances of the style show for the title of Miss Southwest. MORE CHINESE PEANUTS TSINGTAO, China.

ports from important peanut producing areas of China indicate an increase of from 10 to 20 per cent in the 1930 acreage. ICE COLD WATERMELONS from ALVORD The Best on the Market They Are Fine! WICHITA ICE CO. FORT WORTH LEADER DIES Death Takes J. W. Spencer At Age of 75 of "Tom and Bill' tonight to wear general, had races, forgotten and their the erstwhile wounds Langley of Pryor.

Justice Albert C. Hunt, of Tulsa. fell slightly behind tonight in a close run-off race with Edwin R. McNeill of Pawnee, district judge. Justice Fletcher Riley of Lawton was re-nominated in the first primary of Julv 29.

Onlv three of the nine justiceships will be voted upon this vear. as the court is a continuous body. Nearly complete returns from yesterday's run-off primary election found the lead of W. H. (Alfalfa Bill) Murray, Democratic nominee for governor.

over Frank Buttram, Oklahoma City oil man, swelled almost to the 90,000 mark. Buttram, who had carried on a sarcastic personal campaign against Murray, announced he would support the party ticket. The lead of Thomas P. Gore, nominated to the senate once more after 10 years of political oblivion, grew to nearly 40,000 and C. J.

Wrightsman. Tulsa oil operator who was defeated, congratulated Gore and urged "united support" of the ticket in November. Senator W. B. Pine, of Okmulgee and Ira A.

Hill of Cherokee will represent the Republicans in an uphill race against Gore and Murray. Oklahoma has a 23-year record of never electing a break Republican governor. and Hill, to the precedent, would have to be the a bad Democratic party break. Apparent defeat of several state officers and close races engaged in by others held attention tonight, Charles W. Mason.

flying chief justice of the state supreme court, seeking Democratic re-nomination. was considerably behind J. Howard Nephew of Wichita Woman Injured In San Angelo Blast Mrs. H. Thompson, 2206 Taylor, Wednesday received word that her seven year been old nephew.

seriously Wilburn injured O1- in an explosion of dynamite caps on a ranch near San Angelo. The blast fatally injured E. H. Farrow, 14-year old son of a Tom Green county rancher who with the little Olsen boy had dug 30 caps out of the ground near where a gas line was laid last year. Persia Not Expected To Appeal to League ISTANBUL, Turkey, Aug.

13. (US) -The movement of Turkish troops across the Persian border in an encircling maneuver concentrating on the Kurdish bands, encamped near Mount Ararat, unlikely to culminate in a Persian appeal the league of nations, it was said here today. The Turkish attempt to exterminate the rebel Kurds has heretofore and a Persian the league met with no Persian, opposition, would have little effect, since Turkey is not a member. Furthermore, Persia, it is said, would be unable to prove that the country had made a serious effort to control the rebellious Kurds. Dying Bandit Tells Of El Paso Activities SIOUX CITY, Iowa, Aug.

13. (P) -Rudolph Oakley, fatally shot durhis death bed that "I'll bet the El ing a holdup today, told police on Paso police will be glad to hear of my death." He said it would "clear up a lot of stuff down there." PRICES TROUNCE "COW" AMES, June, using New York butter extras as a basis for prices, it would have taken about 200 average Iowa cows to have given a farmer a return of $1,000 income per year above feed costs. But he would have had to milk but 29 producing an average of 350 pounds of butterfat a year. FORT WORTH, Aug. 13.

(AP) -Funeral services for J. W. Spencer. 75, retired banker and merchant, who died at his home here today will be held Friday morning. Long identified with many promInent Fort Worth Institutions, Spencer retired from business sevyears ago.

He had been seriously ill for the past few months. Stepping into the vice presidency of the Farmers and Mechanics' National bank without previous banking experience from the wholesale grocery business which he owned. Spencer became president of the institution unon the retirement of its founder, John R. Hoxie, from that post in 1894, only a year after Spencer's entry into Except for a brief interval, Spencer remained president of the bank for 18 years, retiring from active business life in 1912. During that period the institution had consolidated with the American National bank.

At the time of the absorption of the F. M. bank by the Fort Worth National bank he was acting chairman of the board of directors. Spencer was one of the founders of the Fort Worth board of trade. Skinny, I Gained 25 Lbs.

and Lovely, Clear Skin Quick I was underweight for years. Finally took Ironized Yeast. Quickly gained 25 lbs. Skin is lovely, figure is perfect." Mrs. W.

Hornbeck. "Skinny," weak men and women are amazed at gain of 5 to 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. Ugly hollows vanish. Bony limbs round out.

Sallow. blemished skin gets clear and rosy like magic. Nervousness, indigestion, constipation, disappear overnight. new pep quick. Two great tonics one--special weight-building Brewer's Yeast and strengthening Iron.

Pleasant little tablets. Far stronger than unmedicated Yeast. Results in time. No yeasty taste, no gas. Don't go around Ironized "skinny," Yeast ugly.

unattractive. Get from druggist today. Feel great tomorrow. Money back from manufacturer if not delighted. -Adv.

Tired and Weary! Your bloodneeds the strengthening, invigorating effect of a good tonic to fight off the malaria or other poison that is taking your strength. By all means get a bottleof GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and take this splendid old southern tonic for a few days. It will purify and enrich your blood and bring back your strength, your color, and your appetite. Hundreds of thousands of people buy GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for this very reason every year -60c at all drug stores. A package of Grove's Black Root Pills ie enclosed with every bottle for those who wish to take a laxative with the tonic.


Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

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