The Austin American from Austin, Texas (2024)

One-Armed Polo Player The Cardwell polo team with the one-armed polo player in the only world will play the Austin Woodfour at 4:30 o'clock Friday polo Held is located afternoon. intersection of Niles and Hartford roads in Enfield. Details on sport page. Volume 16. EIGHTEEN Booze Foe Beulah Allred, champion dry crusader of Pampa, still is in jail because she paraded the streets with an open basket filled with bottles of whisky, She was trying to prove the prohibition law was not being enforced.

Now she is charged with breaking the law. Her trial begins Monday. Members of the W.C.T.U. have rallied to her support. Lila Pleads Guilty To Witch Murder From Hospital Disease Wracked Lilac' Gets 20 Years In Prison By the Associated Press BUFFALO, N.

April 3. The curtain was rung down today on a drama of nation-wide est in which an Indian woman was tried for the murder of a white artist's wife and tonight the last of the scenery was being cleared away. Lila Jimerson, the "red lilac," lay on a sick bed in the Buffalo City hospital and faced a prison term of 20 years to life, a sentence which became mandatory when she pleaded guilty today to a charge of murder, first degree. In sharp contrast to the earlier scenes the trial of Lila Jimerson, tor murder in connection with the slaying of Mrs. Clothilde Marchand, wife of Henri Marchand, internationally famous artist and sculptor, the final act of the drama took place in the auditorium of the hospital before a bare handful of spectators, most of them newspaper reporters.

For it was from her hospital bed, wheeled into the auditorium, that the emaciated, disease wracked Indian woman nodded acquiescence to questions put to Judge F. Bret Thorne, and thereby entered her plea of guilty to the reduced charge. Not once did she speak. Front Page of Paper Published Across Nation By Radio Hook-Up SCHENECTADY, N. April 3.

(UP)-Citizens of Schenectady found out today they can read the front page of a San Francisce newspaper three hours after it comes from the press if they so desire. For just three hours after an edition of a San Francisco paper had been printed, facsimile of its front page was received by radio in the laboratories of the General Electric company here. SOLOMON'S DESCENDANT DIES ADDIS ABABA, Abyssinia, April empress Zauditu, coruler of Abyssinia and descendant of a line that traced its ancestry to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, died here yesterday. She was about 54 years old, Hambone's Meditations DAT 'AR BARBER SHO DO BE HOMELY A UGLY FACE TRACTS 'TENTION BUT DAT NIGGUH JES' NACH'LY STAN' FAIR The PAGES 'Naughty Play' Jury Fails To Reach Verdict Jurors Split On Whether Mae West's Show Was Obscene Judge Gives Thanks Actress' Attorney Ridicules 'Night Stick Censors' As Trial Ends By the Associated Press NEW. YORK, April 3.

The jury. reported disagreement tonight in the case of Mae West, Broadway actress and playwright, and 23 other persons charged with violating the penal code by presenting her play "Pleasure Man," which was closed as indecent by the police in the fall of 1928. The jury then was discharged. The jury had deliberated almost ten hours and in discharging it Judge Amedeo A. Bertini expressed his thanks.

"Irrespective of the result in this case," he said "the difficulty of legal regulation of the drama from the standpoint of morals and decency must be apparent to you from your observations of the procedure required to represent in a courtroom what may have depicted behind the actuallys.beet Bail Continued Asst. Dist. Atty. James G. Wallace consented to continuing the bail previously given by the defendants.

He said, however, "in view of the length of the time which has elapsed since this play was enacted and the fact it will never again be presented on the boards, it may make it undesirable to try the case again." Before the case went to the jury at noon Judge Bertini dismissed the indictments against all but 24 JoE Miss the 57 West original and the '56 defendants. others, including the producer, Carl Reed and entire cast of the play, were indicted October 4, 1928, the day after the police closed "Pleasure Man." There were many delays, however, and they were not finally brought to trial until two weeks ago, March 17. Capt. James J. Coy and other policemen and detectives who had attended the opening performances of "Pleasure Man" October 1, 2928, testified in detail at the trial concerning the lines and songs in the play which they said they found to be offensive.

Censorship Ridiculed For the defense seven members of the cast testified, and a veteran pair of acrobats, whose performance, police said, was one of the reasons they closed the show, went through their act for the judge and jury. Miss West did not take the stand herself. Nathan Burkan, Miss West's attorney, summing up defense yesterday, ridiculed "night stick censorship," charging that "the whole thing was a frame-up." "The police simply went out to get Mae West--and they got her," he said. Lee Roberts Slightly Hurt in Auto Wreck Lee Roberts, Lake Austin, suffered a crushed hand when the car he was driving turned over on the Post Road Thursday night about one mile outside of the city limits. The accident was caused by a broken wheel.

Edna Daugherty, the injured man's sister, Mary Helen Roberts and Roy Marshal, all riding in the machine with him escaped with only minor bruises. BEAUMONT, April 3. (AP) George Harrot, 74, was indicted for murder by the criminal district court grand jury here today for Rilling John La Coste, 58, his former employe on the night of March 23. Harrott made a verbal confession of the fatal shooting to W. W.

Covington, sheriff, three days after the tragedy, which took place at La. Coste's dairy near here. Trouble over Harrot's wife led to the killing, Harrot said. Aged Man Admits Killings Hawks at St. Louis EAST ST.

LOUIS, April 3. (UP) Having left' the half way mark of his transcontinental glider trip behind, Capt. Hawks landed at 6:10 p. tonight completing his day's journey from Tulsa. About 3000 persons cheered the flyer when he cut loose at 5:50 p.

above the airport and sailed about for 20 minutes before landing. Yancy Story Sought DENTON, April of Denton county today started a search for Yancy Story after Judge Ben W. Boyd ordered forfeited an appeal bond Story made after he was assessed a jail sentence of 100 days and a fine of. $200 on a charge of stealing turkeys. EIGHTY SCHOOL CHILDREN ESCAPE SAFELY FROM FIRE LOUISVILLE, April Eighty school children escaped this afternoon from a burning rural school house near here, unaware the building was afire.

The children filed out in fire drill formation under the direction of teachers. Austin AUSTIN, TEXAS, Ten Killed, 14 Badly Injured As Explosion Razes Fireworks Firm By the United Press DEVON, stunned April peace into loving tonight-shocked a state by the sudden disaster which overtook it this town's principal industries literally was the earth. A deafening blast in one of the central vania Fireworks Display company factory, tonations, took the lives of 10 persons, sent. 13 By Universal Service LONDON, April cohol hereafter may be introduced officially into British parliament to keep the members from going to sleep during business sessions, if an experiment made today gains parliament's approval. Ten members of the house of commons consented to be locked in a cominittee room while a special engine sprayed a mixture of alcohol and I oxygen into the atmosphert.

Bracer Wet Candidate For Senate Asks Texas Prohi Vote Demo Committee Urged To Submit Referendum In Primary By the Associated Press HOUSTON, April request that the state democratic committee submit in next July's primaries a prohibition referendum was mailed today to each of the committeemen by R. L. Henry of Houston, who seeks the party nomination to the United States senate on a platform urging repeal or modification of the liquor amendment. Mr. Henry, a former member of congress who will oppose United States Sen.

Morris Sheppard, author of the 18 amendment, suggested a referendum carrying these proposition: "First: Should the 18th amendment to the constitution of the United States be repealed?" "Second: Should amendment to the constituion of the United States be amended?" "Third: Should the Volstead law be repealed or modified?" "Fourth: Should the purchaser of intoxicating liquor be made guilty with the seller?" "I am asking," the letter concluded, "that your committee submit this referendum on its own volition under Revised Statutes of Texas, article 3, 133, which, my gives you legal autority to take such action on your own initiative." Four-Year-Old Girl Pulls Little Sister, 2, Safely From Water Hole BEAUMONT, so April much 3. as an (P) out- cry of fright four year old Polly Gene Cannon saved her two year old baby, sister, Claudia. from drowning here late this afternoon when she pulled her out of a deep stagnant pool of water on the Magnolia publi school property in the back of their home. Polly Gene admitted she was "bad scairt" when she saw her little sister accidentally slip into the deep hole but instead of running for help she stepped quickly to the edge of the hole, leaned bravely over, grabbed Claudia's uplifted hands and pulled her to safety. Horse Shoe Pitching Is Ruled Rough Sport EAST LIVERPOOL, April pitching entered the class of "Rough" sports, along with football, hockey, and boxing, when the verdict of a jury was recorded in common pleas court here today, awarding $1500 damages to Arthur J.

Green for the loss of a hand full of teeth. NOTED COMPOSER DIES BERLIN, April Baron George Konrad Von Der Goltz, 77. soldier and composer, died in Berlin today. He was deeply interested in muusic. He composed a torch dance for the wedding of the former kaisef and also wrote the opera "Myrrah" and "Witichis." BANDIT SHOT AT HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD, April (UP)-A bandit escaped with $500 from First National Security Trust Savings branch was shot to death on one of the screen colony's busiest intersections today by two police officers who happened to be near the bank.

A Weather SHOW Generally fair PAIN Friday Saturday and It's a Privilege to Live in Austin APRIL 4, 1930. Number 309. FRIDAY, Over 7000 Already Listed by Census Takers in Austin Each Worker Counting About 100 Noses Per Day, Report Shows Some Not at Home Requests That Enumerator Call Again Received At Some Homes There is no way of figuring it out exactly, but the first reports received indicated that by Friday morning seven or eight thousand names of Austin persons had been placed on the dotted line. This means that the census takers are averaging better than 100 nose counts today. Census Supervsor Charles F.

Heidenreich expects the number to increase as the enumerators get more practice, At the clip they are working now, and Mr. Heidenreich says it is a fast one, the final Austin resident will be counted by April 15. Then it will be close another week before it is known what Austin's population is. Few Errors Discovered Very few mistakes were found in the reports of the first day's work which Mr. Heidenreich and his assistants were looking over all NO.

SPIK EENGLEESH? WELL, TRY ANOTHER Census takers need lose little time when confronted with the reply "Me no spik Eengleesh." All of them are, armed with a complete list instructions printed in four different languages, Swedish, German, Spanish and Greek. Supervisor Heidenreich has made arrangements for Interpreters in those where the person to be counted not only doesn't speak English but can not read in his own language. day Thursday, The large number of names turned in indicated that every census taker put in a full day. By the end of week he hopes to give some indication of the trend of both the population census and the unemployment survey. The latter count is being awaited with interest by city officials because they hope the large amount of construction work, either planned in progress, will furnish jobs for almost everybody who wants one.

Quite a few of the enumerators have been having their troubles. They have found nobody home in numerous instances and in others have found the head of the house reluctant to talk about the value of his home and the amount of rent paid. Rural Sections Slower Mr. Heidenreich emphasized again, however, that persons are taking no risk in answering all questions, All enumerators were carefully selected, he said, and (Continued on page 2 column 5) Texas Girl Shot DALLAS, April once in the abdomen by another woman as she alighted from an automobile in front of her tonight, Miss Bernice Burger, in a critical homes condition in a hospital. She said she had ridden her home with a man.

The woman, after shooting Miss Burger, turned her weapon toward the automobile and the man drove away quickly. About an hour after the shooting, a woman went to the office of Sheriff Hal Hood and surrendered. She she acted in defense of home told Deputy Sheriff Pat Richards here and said her husband recently had left her for another woman. Wichitan Shoots Wife WICHITA FALLS, April 3-1P- Culminating a quarrel on a downtown street tonight, Mrs. Eunice A.

Moore was shot to death and her husband, John W. Moore, was probably fatally wounded. Moore shot his wife three times and then turned his pistol on himself. STAR OF NINETIES DIES LONDON, April Emma Albani, 77, famous operatic soprano of the Nineteenth century, died today at her home in Kensington. A.

F. Smith Says He Wont Run in Precinct No. 2 For County Commissioners Job Although he has been approached by many friends to make the race, A. F. Smith, farmer with holdings in the Kimbro community, nounced Thursday that he will not be a candidate for the office of county commissioner of precinct No.

2. Mr. Smith returned to the city Thursday morning from a. two weeks' trip to the Rio Grande valley and expressed surprise that his name was mentioned in connection Picture of Byrd On Return From Pole little Italian community of utter bewilderment morning when one of blown off the face of buildings of the Pennsylfollowed by five lesser deto nearby hospitals and threw the countryside into an uproar for five miles in every direction. Shatters Philadelphia Windows Windows were shattered as far away as Philadelphia.

Telegraph poles and trees were uprooted and littered over the streets. Roofs were ripped from houses of Devon as though a giant scythe The had. flashed across the town. fireworks factory was levelled to the ed earth. Scarcely a vestige remaintonight to mark the spot a hundred or more men and women were employed this morning.

Nine persons, including two wom. en, were killed outright by the explosions. Of these, only two have been definitely identified. The others were blown to bits. A check of the list of employes at the factory will be necessary to determine the names of the other dead.

Fourteen persons were injured so seriously they were taken to a hospital at Bryn Mawr, four miles away. Of these one died a few hours later. Three of Dead Identified The list of identified dead stood tonight as follows: Victor Antonio, 65, watchman, Devon. Luigi Purizzo, Devon, son-in-law of the factory owner. Josephine Catelli, Devon, who died in the hospital.

Of the remaining injured in the hospital, at least five were expected to die. The fireworks factory was made up of a group of four small brick buildings. The first and most severe blast, at 9:50 a. occurred in the building devoted to the manufacture of aerial bombs. It was in this building the heaviest toll of life was taken.

The blast was heard distinctly in West Philadelphia, Trenton, Camden, Gloucester and Hammonton, N. J. JAMESTOWN, N. April (P) party candidates for office in North Dakota today were pledged to a platform containing a section urging repeal of the 18th. amendment and the Volstead enforcement act.

The platform was adopted at the democratic state convention here when Pierce Blewett of Jamestown, was chosen to head the party's state ticket in the June primaries as its gubernatorial candidate. North Dakota Demos Vote Prohi Repeal Plank LOS ANGELES, April (INS)-Col. Charles A. Lindbergh today said would be able to make his projected flight April 25 to Mexico City with Will Rogers, humorist. "I would like to go to Oklahoma and Mexico but my time is so taken up that I will be unable to make the journey," Lindbergh said Lindy Unable to Make Tour With Will Rogers TEXARKANA, April Murder charges were filed at Linden, Cass county, today against four men in connection with the fatal shooting of Rube Huff, 40, of Queen City, following an altercation during a dice game yesterday.

Two Indicted in Fatal Shooting in Dice Game Father and Son Burn DUBOIS, April Two persons were burned to death four were rescued today when fire destroyed the frame home of Joseph Thomas, Lithuanian miner. Thomas passed four of his chil. dren over a porch roof to safety and then lost his own life in a vain attempt to save his five-year-old son, Paul. Brewer Found Guilty KANSAS CITY, April (UP) -Jone Tingle, former president of the Tingle Oil company, and now an oil salesman in Oklahoma City, today was found guilty of conspiracy to violate the prohibition laws in connection with the operation of a brewery. SAN ANTONIO MAYOR PUTS BLUE PENCIL ON 2 'SLOGANS SAN ANTONIO, April Only two out of 20 siogans which unemployed labor will carry in its parade Monday morning were censored by Mayor C.

M. Chambers Thursday, when approval they by were a commit- submittee headed by Jacob Shaffer, representing the unemployed labor council. NEA Service reach the United States and was brought to The picture, with his Austin American by boat from Panama and then This copyright by NEA shows Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd pet New Zealand, to New York by airplane. From there it was fox terrier debarking Dunedin, after his successful flight over the South Pole.

It transmitted by telephoto wires to Chicago, and by is the first photograph of the noted explorer to airmail to Austin. Moody Forces Backing Jim Young in Race Ferguson Declares run-off election and called primary Tom Love, barred from the democratic party because he supported Herbert Hoover in 1928, a "willing martyr." He said Gov. Dan Moody would not run for a third term. "The present administration and the moneyed men of Texas will support Young," Ferguson said, "but a majority of the people still believe I am best qualified for governor's chair. They have forgotten the trouble I had at Austin.

Tom Love's Case as Jim Sees It "Tom Love wants to be a martyr and hopes the supreme court will refuse his plea to force the democratic state executive committee to put him on the ballot. Love, not content with being forgiven for his past political sins in the democratic party, refuses to promise adherance in the future. Of all the political hijackers this country ever had, Tom is the boldest. He wants to be dealt a hand in this game of politics and intends to keep the gains if he wins but will refuse to pay off if he loses," Ferguson said. By the United Press April Texas gubernatorial candidates are atand prison reform down the throats tempting to force prohibition of the people, voters are asking "Where do we go from here?" James Ferguson, twice governor of the Lone Star state, said here "The real issue of this campaign is finances," Ferguson, again a for governor, said.

"Texas farmers want to know where they candidate can get money to buy food and clothes." of Kaufman as his opponent in the Ferguson picked James Young Fredericksburg Woman Elected President Mrs. W. H. Schaefer Now Head of All Clubs In This District (Picture of Mrs. Schaefer on page 11.) By MRS.

A. C. BOWMAN The Austin American Staff LLANO, April 3, Mrs. W. H.

Schaefer of Fredericksburg was elected president of the seventh district Texas Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher association at the eighth annual convention which closed here Thursday. Other officers named for the next two year term are: Mrs. M. Moss, Llano, first vice president; Mrs. Mitch Johnson, San Saba, second vice president; Mrs.

P. L. Guffin, Austin, third vice president; Mrs. E. A.

Burrows, Brady, fourth vice president; Miss Julia Estill, Fredericksburg, fifth vice president; Mrs. H. J. Breversdorf, Luling, sixth vice president; Mrs. Carrie Harper White, Legion, seventh vice president; Mrs.

Roscoe Runge, Mason, recording secretary; Mrs. H. H. Sagebiel, Fredericksburg, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. J.

T. Halford, Llano, historian. Mrs. E. A.

Siecke of College Station, state parent -teacher sentative, installed the new officers. The new president was presented with a bouquet of carnations from the Fredericksburg association. Endorse County Library Project In addition to courtesy resolutions, the seventh district went on record as endorsing the county libraries as an educational factor and recommending the establishment of (Continued on page 2 column 3) -Embezzlement Charged VERNON, April indictments charging embezzlement and two charging false entries were on file here today against R. R. Martin, former assistant cashier of the Farmers State bank of this city.

He was arrested and released on $7000 bond to await trial. SYRACUSE, N. April (AP)-A fumigating gas, said by firemen to have been used to kill insects, took the lives of two men, including a fireman; sent three others to hospitals in serious conditions and less seriously affected several others during a fire here today. Fumigating Gas Kills Two McDonald's Bill Passes LONDON, April Minister McDonald told the house of commons today that the British government would continue to administer Palestine in accordance with the terms of the mandate as approved council of the league of nationa, Two Wounded In Taylor Oil Field's First Shooting Ex-Cook Shoots Granger Man and Turns Gun On Himself Special to The Austin American TAYLOR, April middleaged cook is near death and a young oil field worker, he is said to have shot, before turning the gun on himself, is not expected to live, following the first gun play at Chapman City, since the oil boom town was founded. The cook is H.

B. Joyce, 43, Temple. His alleged victim 1s Otis E. Woodruff, 22, Granger, Joyce had been discharged as chief cook at Dad's place, Chapman City restaurant, Thursday morning, He returned about 5:30 o'clock, according to police, and had an are gument with Anna Mae Eastmade, pretty 17-year-old step-daughter of his former boss. What they talked about is not known.

Suddenly Joyce began shooting. His gun, a twenty-two caliber pistol, failed to discharge the first time and the second shot went wild. Miss Eastman fainted. Woodruff, who had been sitting at the counter eating, rushed over to pick up the girl, it was said. Joyce is alleged to have run into the restaurant and shot Woodruff in the back.

The bullet lodged in his stomach. The cook then sent a bullet Into his own brain about one inch above the right eye. Woodruff's only comment was "I couldn't stand too see anything like that go on. I Just went over to pick her up." Both wounded men are in a TayWoodruff is the son of Horace tor hospital. Woodruff, tenant farmer living near Granger.

Tammany's Grand Sachem Has Seen 11 Census Counts NEW YORK, April 15 enumerations Uncle Sam has counted John R. Voorhis, president of the city board of elections and sachem of. Tammany, 11 times. He was one of 12,000,000 100 years ago and has just answered the questions submitted to some 122,000,000 others. Mellon's Income 30 Million WASHINGTON, April Sec.

of the Treasury Mellon's income was estimated at $30,000,000 a year by Rep. Patman (d), Texas, in the house today. He took the floor to criticize MelIon for his opposition to viding for payment of the soldiers' bonus in cash. Pullman Reduces Rates CHICAGO, April 3. (P) The Pullman company today announced a reduction of 22 per cent in the and rate lower charged berths) for a occupied section by (upper one person.

The reduction is effective May 1. Manslaughter Charged Film Head For Fire NEW YORK, April 3. (P) A jury today ordered two indictments charging second degree manslaughter against John C. Flinn, vice president and resident manager of the Pathe Film exchange, and Henry F. Lally, studio manager, as result of its inquiry into the company's studio fire of December 10, last, in which 11 lives were The Morning Arguments Poor Pa Aunt Het By CLADE CALLAN By ROBERT QUILLEN 10 1 4-4 fattest "My girl in town an' Ma de- "A man never learns to do brother Ed married the clares it was the natural thing things the easiest way, No matfor him to do.

Ma says Ed's so ter how fat one gets, he still stingy that he's always lookin' tries to bend over to pick up for a bargain." things instead o' squattin'." with the county commissioner's race. "Friends of mine have been asking me to make the race will not be a candidate," he said. "Candidates already in the race are my friends and I do not choose to run against them. I appreciate the thought of friends in wanting me to run." Henry Winder, Warren S. Freund and John C.

Croslin are candidates for commissioner of precinct No. 3..

The Austin American from Austin, Texas (2024)


The Austin American from Austin, Texas? ›

The proper way to address a resident of Austin is Austinite; however, for people born and raised in the city, the term “unicorn” was frequently used. “Recently I've heard born & raised Austinites call each other 'unicorns'…and say 'ah!

What is someone from Austin called? ›

The proper way to address a resident of Austin is Austinite; however, for people born and raised in the city, the term “unicorn” was frequently used. “Recently I've heard born & raised Austinites call each other 'unicorns'…and say 'ah!

Where is the Austin American-Statesman located? ›

Austin American-Statesman
Front page of the Austin American-Statesman, May 30, 2024
Founded1871 (as the Democratic Statesman)
Headquarters8000 Metropolis Drive Building A. STE. 100 Austin, Texas 78744
Circulation26,455 Daily 33,699 Sunday (as of 2022)
5 more rows

What is the largest newspaper in Austin Texas? ›

Austin American-Statesman: Austin, TX News, Politics & Sports.

What is the history of the Austin American-Statesman? ›

The predecessor of the Statesman was founded as a three-times-a-week publication called the Democratic Statesman in 1871. The paper was originally allied with the Texas Democratic party during Reconstruction, following the Civil War. In 1873, it became a daily newspaper.

What is the slang for Austin Texas? ›

Terms like "ATX" and "Bat City" are common nicknames for Austin, capturing its identity and the largest urban bat colony in North America. Another phrase you'll hear frequently is "SoCo," an abbreviation for South Congress Avenue.

What do locals call Austin Texas? ›

2., 3., and 4. ATX, Bat City, and City of the Violet Crown. Austin has a few nicknames you'll want to know: ATX is one of them, and the city is lovingly known as Bat City to some.

What is the biggest newspaper in the world? ›

The New York Times

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper in Texas today? ›

Top 30 Newspapers in Texas sorted by circulation
1The Dallas Morning NewsDallas, TX
2Houston ChronicleHouston, TX
3Semana NewsHouston, TX
4La Prensa de HoustonHouston, TX
26 more rows

What was the old name of Austin City? ›

In 1837, settlers founded the village of Waterloo on the banks of the Colorado River, the first permanent settlement in the area. By 1839, Waterloo would adopt the name Austin and the frontier town would become the capital of the Republic of Texas. The City is named for Stephen F. Austin, the “Father of Texas.”

What famous Texan was Austin named after? ›

Both Austin, Texas, and Austin County, Texas, are named after Stephen F. Austin.

What famous Texan was this city named after Austin? ›

President of Texas. Victory in the Battle of San Jacinto made Houston a hero to many Texans, and he won the 1836 Texas presidential election, defeating Stephen F. Austin, another former governor who would also receive the honor of having the city of Austin named after him, and Henry Smith.

What is a resident of Austin, Texas called? ›

Residents of Austin are known as Austinites.

What is a nickname for Austin? ›

Aussie or Oz/Auz (however you spell it) are more general nicknames for Austin. If you are looking for something a bit more unique and creative, then there is: Tin, Tinny, Austi, Aust/Ost, Stinger, Tins or anything else, to be honest. Be creative! You can decide what nickname best fits him, or you can ask him yourself.

How do you call a person from Texas? ›

Texas (TX)

Those in Texas as Texan, and there are a lot of them!

What is an Austinite? ›

Austinite (plural Austinites) A native or resident of Austin, Texas.


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.